

Pakuwon Group, melalui perwakilan Direktur Keuangan, Minarto, Direktur Marketing, Sutandi Purnomosidi, General Manager Finance, Fenny, SFC Commercial, Juliana, serta beberapa manajer dan staf lainnya, telah mengumumkan kerjasama bisnis dengan BRI RO Surabaya. Kerjasama ini berlaku mulai awal tahun 2024, bertujuan memperkuat kolaborasi bisnis yang telah sukses antara BRI dan Pakuwon Group.

Dalam upaya untuk mempermudah proses penagihan kepada penyewa di seluruh mal milik Pakuwon Group, termasuk penagihan service charge dan lainnya, Pakuwon Group akan menggabungkan sistem BSB (BRI smart billing) ke dalam aplikasi BRI. Awalnya, aplikasi BSB digunakan khusus untuk mal-mal Pakuwon Group di Surabaya, namun kedepannya akan diterapkan di semua mal Pakuwon Group, termasuk di Yogyakarta, Solo, Jakarta, dan kota lainnya.

Kerjasama ini merupakan kelanjutan dari kerjasama bisnis yang telah berlangsung baik antara BRI dan Pakuwon Group, seperti penempatan dana Pakuwon Group di BRI.

Together We Grow!

Pakuwon Group, through representatives of the Director of Finance, Minarto, Director of Marketing, Sutandi Purnomosidi, General Manager of Finance, Fenny, SFC Commercial, Juliana, as well as several other managers and staff, has announced a business collaboration with BRI RO Surabaya. This collaboration will take effect from early 2024, aiming to strengthen the successful business collaboration between BRI and Pakuwon Group.

In an effort to simplify the billing process for tenants in all Pakuwon Group malls, including billing service charges and others, Pakuwon Group will combine the BSB (BRI smart billing) system into the BRI application. Initially, the BSB application was used specifically for Pakuwon Group malls in Surabaya, but in the future it will be implemented in all Pakuwon Group malls, including in Yogyakarta, Solo, Jakarta and other cities.

This collaboration is a continuation of the business collaboration that has been going on well between BRI and Pakuwon Group, such as the placement of Pakuwon Group funds at BRI.

Together We Grow!

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